Join now and enjoy the benefits of being a Morris Register Member
Membership valid until 31st March 2026 includes
- Up to 15 new Electronic editions of the club’s magazine Morris Monthly
- Local, regional and National Morris events.
- Access to the members’ area of the website including extensive archives and online members’ forum.
- Access to previous electronic editions of the club magazines, extending back 60 years
- Access to a wealth of knowledge and experience from fellow members.
Membership valid until 31st March 2026 includes
- Up to 15 new Posted editions (hard copies) of the club’s magazine Morris Monthly
- Up to 12 new Electronic editions of the club’s magazine Morris Monthly
- Local, regional and National Morris events.
- Access to the members’ area of the website including extensive archives and online members forum.
- Access to previous electronic editions of the club magazines, extending back 60 years
- Access to a wealth of knowledge and experience from fellow members
Non UK
Membership valid until 31st March 2026 includes
- Up to 15 new Internationally posted editions (hard copies) of the club’s magazine Morris Monthly
- Up to 12 new Electronic editions of the clubs magazine Morris Monthly
- Local, regional and National Morris events.
- Access to the members’ area of the website including extensive archives and online members’ forum.
- Access to previous electronic editions of the club magazines, extending back 60 years
- Access to a wealth of knowledge and experience from fellow members
Membership application
Click here for a membership application form.
Download/save the form to your computer. Open the saved form and to suit your payment preference, either:
- type into the form and then print it off and send it by post, or
- type into it, and then email it as an attachment.
Completed forms should be sent to:
Mike Brears, Membership Secretary, 72 Headcorn Drive, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7TX
or e-mailed to: [email protected]
You should familiarise yourself with the Rules of the Morris Register and our Data Protection Policy.
Membership Payment
New members applying for membership can pay in a number of ways –
This is our preferred method of membership payment for UK members. Overseas members can also pay by direct debit if they have a UK bank account. Please click on the green button below for a direct debit form. You will need to print off a copy, complete the direct debit mandate and post the form, with your membership application to:
Mike Brears
Membership Secretary
72 Headcorn Drive
There is a secure on-line payments system that allows members to pay by debit or credit card. Payment goes to the club via PayPal. This is particularly suitable for members without access to a UK bank account. You do not need to have your own PayPal account to make use of this payment option.
Payment also available by bank transfer please see our bank details on the membership form.
NOTE: If you paying by PayPal must also complete an application form and send it to Christine Haigh (address shown below) in order for membership to be processed.
- Select the appropriate membership category from the drop down box below.
- Enter your post code (or membership number if previously a member) in the box provided.
- Click on the “Pay Pal” button.
This will take you to the The Pre-1940 Morris Register Ltd’s PayPal membership payment page, where you can complete secure payment either via your own PayPal account if you have one, or by credit card if you do not. Your renewal will be confirmed when we receive the payment from PayPal.
Please remember to send all completed forms to:
Mike Brears
Membership Secretary
72 Headcorn Drive
or e-mail to: [email protected]